Stacey Epstein
Stacey has extensive experience building companies and fueling growth from stealth startup to brandname, global technology organizations, and is a passionate advocate for the advancement of women inthe workplace. Stacey Epstein is currently President of Zinc, an enterprise messaging platform recentlyacquired by ServiceMax. Prior to Zinc, Stacey was Chief Marketing Officer at ServiceMax. Prior to that,Stacey was head of global marketing at SuccessFactors, which was acquired by SAP for $3.4b in2012.Stacey holds a B.A. from Emory University where she was a four-time all conference soccerplayer. She is mother to two young daughters and is a prolific writer about her perspective concerningleadership, technology, and innovation.Her pieces have appeared in Inc., Fast Company, Entrepreneur,and Recode, among others.